School Uniform
Below you will find a list of all the uniform your child will require during their time at Brockhampton. Our branded school uniform can be purchased for both the main school and Nursery via My Clothing. Please see the 2 links below to go directly through to the correct website pages: from Summer 2024
We believe that having the correct uniform and PE kit is key to building pride in appearance, promoting a school community and reflects the school ethos of inclusion. Can we therefore ask that uniforms are kept clean, in good repair and that the child’s name is visibly labelled on all items. If a parent has difficulties for any reason with fulfilling this request they are asked to speak confidentially to a senior member of staff to discuss the issues. Parents should be assured that we will do all we can to help.
In addition, we would kindly ask you to note the following:
School shoes: Plain black sensible shoes. Trainers and canvas shoes are of course permitted for the purposes of PE.
Jewellery: Jewellery of any description is not encouraged and is not practical for many reasons. A pair of small, plain studs (sleeper size earrings) and a watch is of course permitted. All jewellery must be removed for PE activities and is brought into school entirely at the child’s own risk.
Make Up: Make up of any description is discouraged. Children will be required to remove any make up. Nail varnish is not allowed. False nails are not allowed.
Boys Uniform
Grey Trousers
White Shirt
Red Sweatshirt (School logo not essential)
Grey/Black Socks
Black School Shoes
School Tie (Available from M&S)
School Fleece (Optional)
Girls Uniform
Grey Trousers/Skirt/Pinafore
White Shirt
Red Sweatshirt/Cardigan (School logo not essential)
Grey/Black/White Socks or Grey/Red Tights
Black School Shoes
School Tie (Available from M&S)
School Fleece (Optional)
Boys PE Uniform
Black Shorts
Black Joggers (Optional)
School Fleece (Optional)
Red T-Shirt/Polo Shirt (Logo not esssential)
Trainers (Summer months)
Black PE Pumps
White Socks
Wellingtons for Forest School (to be kept in school)
Suitable Spare Clothes (to be kept in school)
Red Sports Bag with Logo
Drinks Bottle
Red Fleece with Logo
School Rucksack
Red Book Bag with School Logo (Optional)
Girls PE Uniform
Black Shorts/Cycling Shorts
Black Joggers (Optional)
School Fleece (Optional)
Red T-Shirt/Polo Shirt (Logo not esssential)
Trainers (Summer months)
Black PE Pumps
White Socks
Wellingtons for Forest School (to be kept in school)
Suitable Spare Clothes (to be kept in school)
Red Sports Bag with Logo
Drinks Bottle
Red Fleece with Logo
School Rucksack
Red Book Bag with School Logo (Optional)